Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hey guys, guess what??!?!?!?!?!? Thare is going to be HOMEWORK! yup, i am gonna make up some homework that you can do in a week! nothing hard, or boring, just something fun!
we will start next week, and of course you dont HAVE to, but if you are willing to participate, it will make it all the more fun, so stay tuned!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

wth kate! that is so stupid! yup im gonna give yah some homework! wth! i am rolling on the floor laughing! l8r g8r!

About Me, the queen of all!!

My photo
Hi!! I Love Penguins. They are my favorite animals! I have two hamsters. Their names are Penguin and Isaac. (both males) My favorite color is purple. My favorite fooed is geotta! (its a german food) .and thats prety much all you need to know about me.