Sunday, September 21, 2008


hey, so i am trying hard to get some freakin music on my site, but since i really don't know how, to songs of from itunes, cuz thats all i have, it would be helpful if someone knew they would coment me how.
thanx, kate


Rebecca said...

sorry kate, i dont know how to put music on you site....luv yah

Rebecca said...

hi kate, wussup! how are yah! GO ON MY BLOG RIGHT NOW pretty please!!!

About Me, the queen of all!!

My photo
Hi!! I Love Penguins. They are my favorite animals! I have two hamsters. Their names are Penguin and Isaac. (both males) My favorite color is purple. My favorite fooed is geotta! (its a german food) .and thats prety much all you need to know about me.